There's more than one way to spend time on dialysis. Usually, I just plunk away on my latest writing project, or noodle away on Facebook. Today, it was a pleasant (and not THAT nerve-wracking) diversion to entertain the film crew from Bamboo Shoots.
Before filming got underway, I needed to sign a consent form. |
Everything was timed like clockwork. About 30 seconds after the crew arrived, the head of Communications from St. Paul's Hospital showed up with a consent form for me to sign. Basically, I was asked to waive my rights to sue the hospital, should the film turn out to be anything less than what I visualized. Somehow, I suspect that Bamboo Shoots will do a bang-up job.
The camera-man and producer flank my dialysis pod. |
I wasn't sure how I would feel about being filmed during my dialysis therapy, but decided in the end that it worth the effort to reveal the process for the world to see. After all, the month of March is worldwide "Kidney Awareness Month", so may as well take the plunge. Dialysis is a grim reality for millions of kidney patients across the planet. There's no denying that.
A high-fidelity, high definition TV camera was pressed into service. |
In the end, I was quite comfortable conducting this portion of the documentary. It is just another aspect of my life, so why would I want to play it down? The producer requested that I do a "live reading" from Book 1 of the
"Dancing with Rejection" trilogy. I was happy to comply. May as well face it head-on, along with the splendid footage of artwork in my studio, as well as some air-time at Sacred Heart. As readers of my blog will remember, this is the home of my most ambitious mural to date. A call for balance and reality, please!
That little wee man reaching out to apply paint on this gigantic wall is yours truly! |
I will be happy to see the result of all of this filming. I'm assured by the producer that a link will be made available for sharing, so please, stay tuned to this space.